Friday, August 3, 2012

Well, the first week of training is over. It was grueling. We were in class from 8:00 until 5:00pm with an hour break for lunch. Then in the evening we had different activities, usually after an hour or 1.5 hours for lunch. Each day had 45 minutes of survival Chinese, 2 hours of how to teach English as a second language, then either 2 hours of history or 2 hours of teaching writing of English for non-English speakers. We also had lectures on things like the church in china, medical knowledge for china, etc. Usually we finished between 8:00pm and 8:30pm. We start up again on Sunday with a China area conference. all people in the area that have been in China for whatever reason are invited to attend. It will be presided over by Elder Toronto, the area seventy assigned to administering China and Mongolia. The Monday back to the grind of 8:00am until 8:30pm. Except on Friday we finish at 4:00 pm. Then we will have a week to prepare and we fly out on August 21.

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